Domain Search & Signup

Please enter a word or domain name and click Search
Domains Search Help
  • You can enter a full domain name including the domain extension e.g. Allowed extensions are .com / .net / .org / .biz / .info / .uk / / /
  • Or you can enter a word without a domain extension - this will search all extensions.
  • Domains can only contain the characters a-z, 0-9 and dashes (-), must not start or end with a dash, and should be between 3 and 57 characters long (without the extension).

Domain Registration

Millions of domains have already been registered and available names are going fast. Act now to reserve your domain name before someone else does!

Registering a domain will reserve the name so no-one else can use it, and you can choose to keep the name for as long as you want. Whether you use it now for website/email or just want to reserve your domain for future, register now to avoid disappointment.

The domain you choose can be anything you like e.g. your name, project or business. The domain has to be available and unique so be creative if your first choice isn't available.
From only £8.95 / year
  • Register your domain name with us...
  • .com  .net  .org  .biz  .info
  • No hidden fees
  • Domain registered in your name
  • Quick & easy registration / renewals
  • FREE privacy protection
Use the Search above to find available domains and sign up
What is a domain name?
When you type a website address or send an email, how does the internet know where to find the website or deliver the email? In basic terms your domain is simply an address - it's used as your website address and the end part of your email address, e.g. our domain is Like a postal address, a domain name translates into a location - the location of the computer(s) responsible for that specific domain so the internet knows where to find the website or where to deliver the email.

Domain Prices

  Price / year
UK Domains
.uk £8.95 £8.95 £8.95 £8.95
International Domains
.com £14.95
.net £14.95
.org £14.95
.biz £16.95
.info £17.95
Find a Domain & Buy Now
Note: Domain registration does not include any other services such as email/website hosting or custom DNS - you must purchase those separately if required
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